
I had a meeting with my personal tutor

As you know, I had a meeting with my personal tutor. It went very well. Before university, I studied at a college. I feel that it was likely to mimic the university lifestyle and to a certain extend I was correct. The respect between students and lecturers is different to the respect of a school teacher and a student. Also, the facilities are very much the same in the sense that there are dedicated computing rooms in which we can study, along with a library and accessible staff offices. However, moving to university had me expecting better quality of facilities, lecturers, module information etc. Some of the things I raised in the meeting was a lack of understanding from some of the lectures, along with a lack of assistance from some tutors. I also had a chance to tell him what has been going well with the course. I feel like the good here outweighed the bad, as I am currently loving my university experience. Saying this, there are a few issues I would like to be resolved, and I ha...

VARK and Skills Audit Review // UPDATE

Hi everybody! I thought I'd go into some more details on what I found useful from the VARK questionnaire. I feel that it's helped me identify my strong and weak points in learning.. Up until that point, I was beginning to think I was more of a visual learner. However, once I filled out this questionnaire and got the results, it showed that visual learning is my least effective and least preferred form of learning. Although, I could take this VARK questionnaire and it's results to then suggest that I need to work on my skills of working with visual, kinaesthetic and auditory learners, so that I can still achieve a good level of learning through these learning types as my visual and kinaesthetic learning skills are poor. The Skills Audit has showed me some of my greater and weaker skills. As identified in the third segment of my skills audit, there are skills that I need to work on. However, I have outlined my action plan for development, so there is no need to repeat my...

VARK Questionnaire

The VARK questionnaire was amazing! By answering a series of question and using the marking key, I have been able to identify my stronger learning style.   I mostly qualify as a read/write learner, and am least likely to learn visually. This questionnaire has helped me understand where and how I should approach learning, and which form of learning is the most effective for me.

Skills Audit

This post is going to be a big one. In this one, I am going to show you the skills assessment I carried out. Within this document, I have ranked some skills based on their importance in my opinion), along with evidence supporting my competence of these skills. Also, in the second part, I have taken my three weakest skill results, analysed them, and listed my ideas on how I am going to improve this skill ( it's been referred too as "Action for improvement"). This small survey helped me identify what skill aspects I am comfortable about and which ones I am not. Study Skills aspect ΓΌ   Feel confident about? (Tick) Yes No 1.   Understand the University system and your part in it ·          are familiar with the University Undergraduate Student Handbook ·          have attended induction sessions ·         ...